Cockalier for Sale

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About Cockalier

Cockalier is a small to medium-sized dog crossbreed of the Cocker Spaniel and Cavalier King Charles. This dog breed has captured the heart of many through its multiple personality traits. For instance, it is friendly, affectionate, easy to train, and adaptable to various living conditions. In addition, it does not have high exercise needs, making it easy for owners to keep it fit.

Sound adorable, doesn’t it? If this dog breed has captured your heart, too, then look at the Cockalier for sale ads above and buy one. If you want to learn more about this dog, let's dive into it without a moment to waste.

What Is The Historical Background and Ancestry of A Cockalier?

The Cockalier is a hybrid dog that originated from the crossbreeding of the Cocker Spaniel and Cavalier King Charles. It has existed since the 14th century and was developed in the USA. The goal of designing the Cockalier was to combine the desirable traits of both parent breeds, such as the intelligence of the Cocker Spaniel and the affectionate nature of the Cavalier King Charles. This breed’s popularity has surged in recent years because of its many-sided benefits as a family companion and loveable temperament.

You may also like: Cocker Spaniel Fun Facts

Alternative Names for a Cockalier

Below are other names used to refer to a Cockalier.

  • Cockerlier
  • Cockalier Spaniel
  • Cavalier King Charles Cocker Spaniel mix

Overview of the Cockalier Dog Species


United States


Small to medium-sized on average. Shoulder height 12-15 inches; weight  15-30 pounds


12-15 years


Gentle, sociable, intelligent, playful, and alert


Cockalier puppies' price ranges between $800 and $2000

Are you one of the people searching on Google for Cockalier puppies for sale near me? Then, your search is over. Browse the ads at the top of this page to find Cockalier breeders.

Physical Characteristics of the Cockalier Dog

  • Size: Cockaliers fall under small to medium-sized dog breeds. Their average height is between 12 to 15 inches, and their weight is between 15 and 30 pounds.
  • Coat: Their coat is usually medium to long in length. It can be slightly wavy and silky, often needing frequent grooming to prevent tangles. The coat comes in various colors, including white, black, brown, and tan combinations.
  • Eyes: Cockaliers have big, expressive eyes that typically reflect this dog breed's affectionate and warm nature.
  • Ears: Their ears are often medium in length, drooping, and feathered.

Personality Traits of the Cockalier Dog

In addition to being affectionate and devoted to their families, Cockaliers also possess the following traits:

  1. Gentle: Cockaliers often have a gentle disposition, which depicts their tolerance and patience well. Hence, they are suitable for families with children and other pets.
  2. Sociable: They are generally social dogs thrilled by the company of people and other animals. Cockalier flourish on human interaction and may get separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.
  3. Intelligent: Cockaliers are quick learners and have amazing problem-solving skills. They respond well to training and adore mental simulation.
  4. Playful: They love to play as they greatly enjoy playtime and interactive games.
  5. Alert: Cockaliers’ attentive ability is top-notch. This makes them good watchdogs, as they can notify their owners of any unusual happenings.

If you are a fan of watchdogs and guard dogs, then consider checking out the Doberman pinscher, which standouts in both these aspects.

How Do You Care For A Cockalier Dog?

To be an excellent owner of a Cockalier dog, you must be mindful of the following areas.

Grooming and Cleaning

Cockaliers need frequent grooming and cleaning to ensure their coat and overall wellness is in good condition. Brush their coats at least a few times weekly as they are prone to matting and tangling. They need to be professionally groomed after several months to maintain a tidy appearance.

Frequent ear cleaning is also essential to prevent ear infections. Cockaliers are prone to ear infections as their ears are droopy, which traps more moisture. Other key grooming aspects are periodic baths, nail trimming, and teeth brushing.

Besides promoting well-being, this comprehensive grooming improves their comfort.

Diet and Nutrition

The diet and nutrition of a Cockalier need to be high-quality dog food that caters to their size, age, and activity level. It should be a balanced diet, including protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.

Divide their daily food into two or three portions rather than feeding them one big meal daily. Monitor their portion sizes and avoid excessive treats as they are prone to obesity. Ensure they always have access to fresh water, and it is good to consult a veterinarian when it comes to dietary needs.

Many dogs suffer from bloating when they eat one large meal. Besides Cockalier, the Great Dane is also greatly prone to this condition.

Exercise Needs

Cockaliers need moderate exercises to be physically and mentally stimulated. Daily exercise is vital as it prevents them from becoming overweight and developing behavioral issues because of pent-up energy.

Some good exercise activities include:

  • Play sessions
  • Walks
  • Interactive games
  • Off-leash time


Below are some of the tips you can use when training your Cockalier.

  1. Positive Reinforcement: Use rewards like treats, praise, and playtime to motivate and strengthen desired behaviors. Avoid harsh or disciplinary training methods.
  2. Consistency: Be consistent in your commands, expectations, and training routines to create clear boundaries and help your Cockalier comprehend what is expected.
  3. Socialization: Expose your Cockalier to various people, animals, and environments from puppyhood to encourage good social skills and decrease fear or aggression.
  4. Short, regular sessions: A short training session keeps your Cockalier focused and free from boredom. Multiple sessions in a day are better than one long session.
  5. Patience and persistence: Stay patient, calm, and persistent during training. Cockaliers may need time to learn and master novel commands.
  6. Professional assistance: Consider enlisting the help of a professional dog trainer if you encounter problems or require guidance in training your Cockalier.

Health Concerns

Cockaliers are healthy dogs, though, like any other breed, they are prone to specific health problems. This includes the following:

  1. Mitral Valve Disease
  2. Obesity
  3. Ear infections
  4. Eye problems, i.e., cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), and glaucoma
  5. Dental Disease

Routine veterinary care, correct nutrition, exercise, grooming, and maintaining a healthy weight are vital in preventing or minimizing these health issues.

What are the Pros and Cons of Owning a Cockalier?



1. Great companions as they are affectionate and loving

2. Friendly and patient, thus fit for families with children and other pets

3. Adaptability to diverse living situations, such as apartments or houses

4. Moderate exercise needs

5. Highly trainable

1. Prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods

2. May display stubbornness or independence, necessitating patient and consistent training

3. May bark a lot or be extremely vocal if not trained and managed well


How Much Does A Cockalier Cost?

The price of a full-grown Cockalier or a Cockalier puppy differs due to several factors, namely:

  • Cockalier breeders
  • Location
  • Pedigree
  • The demand of the breed

The average price of a Cockalier puppy is usually between $800 and $2,000. However, it is worth noting that top-quality breeds will be sold for a higher price, and Cockaliers for adoption are more affordable, around $400.

We have fantastic news for you if you are looking for a Cockalier puppy for sale or Cockalier poodle puppies for sale. Check the ads at the top of this page to find your Cockalier.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is a Cockalier?

A Cockalier is a small to medium-sized dog initially bred in the USA by crossing breeding the Cavalier King Charles and the Cocker Spaniel.

2. How Is the Temperament of a Cockalier? 

Cockaliers are loyal, gentle, and devoted dogs that make good companions with everyone, including children and other animals. They are also very tolerant, evidenced by the fact that they don’t show any signs of aggression even when disturbed by children for lengthy periods.

3. Are Cockaliers Hyper?

Cockaliers are hyper in good ways. They are ready to play at all times and quickly stop being hyper when the situation demands it. Cockaliers are rarely aggressive, even when they are hyper-playing.

4. Can I Leave My Cockalier At Home Alone For 8 Hours?

Yes, but there are preconditions. Start by leaving it alone for a few hours, like 2 or 3. Then, gradually increase. If possible, don’t be away for more than 10 hours, and rather than leaving your Cockalier alone for more than five hours, you can put it in dog care or find a dog trainer for it.

5. How Long Do Cockalier Dogs Live?

On average, a Cockalier’s lifespan is between 12 – 15 years.

On A Final Note

A Cockalier is a hybrid dog that is a crossbreed of a Cocker Spaniel and a Cavalier King Charles. People admire this dog because of its gentle, playful, and tolerant nature. Regarding caring for it, you should brush it several times a week; give it a balanced, healthy food; and moderately exercise it.

Consider checking the sellers’ ads above for the Cockalier dog for sale if you want to own this dog.